#10 awake!!!

We happily announce that August 20th the Alarm clock Clinic confirmed the rousing another patient! A 15 year old Ola was hit by a tram and as a result of severe damage went to coma. At the end of July she was admitted to the Clinic and rehabilitated intensly. For the joy of the closest family and the Clinic Staff  she is totally awake!

The Alarm Clock Clinic for children in coma was built by the Ewa Błaszczyk’s Akogo Foundation thanks to the help of polish society. The Clinic operates since  July 2013. During this time 10 patients have been roused from coma. The treatment at the Clinic is completely  free of charge and is financed by Nation Health Fund and The Akogo Foundation. Throughout the whole treatment at the Clinic children are accompanied by their parents/ attendants who are involved in the rehabilitation process (also free of charge).
Due to the fact that our patients quickly recuperate new  patients can send their applications.
For more details see here: http://www.klinikabudzik.pl/pl/klinika/zg%C5%82oszenia-pacjent%C3%B3w-do-kliniki-budzik